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​The best deals in town available for exterior and interior painting Salem Oregon.

Drywall Repair Salem Oregon

​An important part of interior maintenance is refreshing the paint every once in a while. This should be a relatively straightforward task to do. However, if there are signs of damage and wear on your drywall, it’s important to perform the necessary repairs first before splashing on new paint.
While small holes and tiny cracks on your drywall might be something you can repair by yourself. However, if the damage is more extensive you need professionals to get the job done right. At Genesis Construction, part of the painting repairs we offer is drywall repair Salem Oregon. Our professionals have extensive knowledge on how to fix and patch a drywall to ensure that the painting job we will perform afterwards is going to be a long-lasting one.
We will start by checking if there is water damage on the drywall. Minor ones can be easily patched but in the event of extensive damage, replacing the entire sheet may be necessary. Holes need to be repaired as well. We use top-quality compound as filler for smaller holes and bigger ones are filled with joint compound. We also watch out for hairline cracks and loose tape so they are fixed before the actual painting job commences.  
Performing drywall repair Salem Oregon is a crucial part of the services we perform for our clients at Genesis Construction. Only when drywall surfaces are properly repaired, prepared and primed can we ensure that the painting job is going to be a long-lasting one. Call us and learn more about how we can get your drywall spruced up!

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